Monday, November 18, 2013

Three steps to Excellence

Is excellence a bastion of few? or any one can achieve it? This question appears in the mind of many and when we read various contradicting opinions expressed in many mediums create confusion rather than clarifying the doubts. Can someone live using excellence as life guide?

A simple three step approach applied would take us on the road to excellence for sure. The steps are Courageous Vision, Comprehensive Planning and Relentless Execution.

Courageous Vision; we all know that to achieve anything we need to have a vision, it is not sufficient to have a wish but VISION. There is a lot of difference between wishing something and having a vision about something. When we call something our wish, we typically depend on someone outside us to fulfill the same and hope that things outside us will fall in place fulfilling the wish. However when we call something as our vision, then there is a lot of involvement from self to make it happen; significant mindshare is given by the person who is visioning a specific thing. One plans actions to make it happen, one connects with external world to explain the vision and makes positive efforts in obtaining their support to achieve the final outcome. I have added Courageous adjective to vision and believe that it is very important. If our vision is easily achievable, it really does not inspire us to do any special efforts; it does not challenge us and does not help us to increase the level of excellence. e.g. if the organization has a vision of continuous growth but at a much less rate than what competition is growing; then although the vision emphasizes that we need to grow continuously, this typically can be achieved without really changing current level of excellence. Hence we need to express our vision in the form that questions status quo, it challenges us to achieve more than what we are achieving today, it should provoke our thinking to do the things differently and it should compel us to do the things at a higher level of excellence. Expressing vision to do these things actually takes the person to a very uncomfortable zone and needs a lot of courage on his part to express and commit to this vision. That is the reason why COURAGEOUS VISION is the first step to improve your level of excellence.

It is not sufficient just to express the vision; it needs to be understood, interpreted and operationalized for its realization. These things do not happen automatically and lot of planning and execution to the plan, goes in with the same. PLANNING COMPREHENSIVELY is the key for a better execution and improves the probability of success significantly. It allows us to get to the details, understand possible problems in every step and prepares us to avoid them or enables a plan B in case plan A fails in some unforeseen circumstances. Many times we plan at high level and try and address the situations on the ground as and when they come mostly in the reactionary fashion. We hope that everything will fall in place and we are not really prepared for many of the possible distractions/diversions that might occur on the way. As soon as one such thing comes to our notice, we try and figure out what is the action we need to take to avoid the distraction; many a times we need to do a compromise and deviate from our final outcome or throw in a significantly large quantum of resources (than desired) to achieve the final outcome. We will not be able to increase our level of excellence as desired. If we plan with great details on all aspects, it really helps us to identify the possible diversions/distractions and keep our actions ready in case such a distraction occurs and we are able to achieve the outcome improving excellence to the desired level (better than the current level)       
It is important to have a challenging vision, it is necessary to plan your actions, but it is extremely important that we execute on the comprehensive plans based on courageous vision. Unless we are able to execute; no matter what ever obstacles we encounter, no matter what ever diversion we may face, no matter what ever wastage gets created due to unknown things; we will not be able to achieve our vision. We need to build that rigor which will help us build the rhythm of execute-monitor-correct-execute. As described in my earlier blog, we can internalize this rigor through a bit-by-bit process and execute the plans relentlessly. I am sure when we will reach the goal post and look back, we will observe that we have been operating at higher level of excellence automatically. I have taken an example of an organization, but the same is true at individual level also so just remember three steps Courageous Vision-Comprehensive Planning- Relentless Execution and you are on path of improving excellence