Sunday, September 22, 2013

Allow the people to Perform – Simple mantra for Excellence

Allow the people to perform” was one of the few things which I learnt in my early days of career. Thanks to Mr. Saibabu, my senior during early stage of my job, who mentored me in those days and provided insight on many aspects to become successful. This was one of the one-liner which has stuck with me and I find it incredibly effective. I feel if we absorb the essence of this one liner, implement the same in our day to day life, be it personal or professional, it automatically helps individuals / teams to achieve higher levels of excellence.
Allow the people to perform, looks very simple and naïve statement. It does not depict any hint as to what a vast transformative potential it has and thus gets ignored easily. So how do we use it? Let us take an example where you are leading a team of people and you need to complete a project along with this team. What we normally do is, make a comprehensive plan, distribute the work amongst the team members and members complete their work according to schedule using the framework defined for them. You as a team leader monitor the progress rigorously to ensure that everyone is doing their tasks correctly and timely. In this whole process, we tend to build rigidity in the process through creation of structure, processes, and framework. Detailed monitoring at higher frequency brings in more rigidity in the whole game. Although we have seen quite a few benefits from this, we have a significant downside i.e. the team gets bogged down with framework and their tasks that it tends to overlook the improvement aspect. The team does not apply its mind in terms of how they can improve, how they can do a specific task in better way, or how they can improve the overall level of excellence that they want to operate. The project works with level of excellence defined by one brain i.e. of Project leader and other brains are not used for this purpose. Many a times it happens that one of the team members does not do a work in correct manner and brings it to us. What do we do? We correct his mistake, tell him what is the correct way, ask him to do it the way we have told and complete it fast. The team member goes back and completes the work exactly as we have said and brings back the work. While we are going through the same, we realize that there is another simple thing if done, it can improve the work significantly so we ask our team member that why he has not done this simple thing? We get an immediate response that I have done whatever you have told me to do. Here again it is clear that the rigidity with which we run our project stifles the thinking ability of the team members and project as a whole loses. Sometimes our team members do not do the work correctly and instead of telling them to correct, we ourselves correct it. We are thinking in mind that this task needs to be completed fast and we feel that even if we tell, team will not do it correctly plus we do not have energy to train the team continuously. Once we are used to do this, we observe that there are more and more cases, where our team members are bringing in the work which is not complete and you tend to spend a lot of time completing the same. The team seems to have stopped learning and improving, they are depending on only one person to perform effectively.     
One of the prominent reason for this is we do not allow them to perform. We build such a solid structure that removes flexibility from the picture which is essential for any one to think differently and experiment and come out more effectively. Also the rigorous monitoring or micromanaging prohibits their thinking process. Through micromanaging, the team leader in a way enforces his thinking on every small activity in the project which again stops team to look for more effective ways to do a specific task and they are rather happy to do what has been told to them by their manager. So every time they have a problem, instead of thinking themselves they tend to come to manager and ask for solution. Manager happily gives the solution and team implements; in this process team stops learning and improving. More and more such team members in the team, the level of excellence the team can achieve comes down.
So how do we enable people to perform? Few simple things like
·         Build robust plan but leave some flexibility down the line for each of the team member to maneuver.
·         Encourage team members to come out with improvements, show willing ness to change and set a few examples right in the beginning.
·         Do not micromanage
·         Guide the team members to find solutions themselves rather than providing the solutions and be ready for allowing some time to the team members till they get the solution

·         Lastly, believe in your team members to find solutions to complete the project on time and have patience with them 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Excellence through Say-Do ratio

Say-Do ratio is a simple yet effective tool to achieve excellence. It is a common ratio used by various agencies to depict that they adhere to the commitments made by them and is used to build customer confidence in the service provided to them. The same ratio if used on the personal side, it provides great insight on the level of excellence one has achieved. It also acts as tool for self-motivation. It is very simple to use and easily understood by everyone. The beauty lies in how does one use it and benefit from the same. For the starters, they can start with small daily agreements. Just note down the agreements made with others in one notepad or any other tool and keep it handy so that these commitments are always in forefront of our thoughts. Start ticking once the commitment is adhered to. Check your ratio (commitments adhered / commitments made) on daily basis and use the same for motivating oneself to reach 100% consistently. Another simple way is to use the daily task list, which is prepared by many of us. Prepare this list as to what all things one wants to accomplish in the day and take the ratio at the end of the day. Ponder over the things which you could not achieve and see if there is a common thread which comes out.

This is just beginning to get warmed up and to understand the power of say-do ratio. Once we are able to monitor ourselves using this ratio, we shall look at the higher level of commitments one has done with oneself regarding improving the behavioral traits, improving specific skillset, etc and the timeline associated with the same. Monitor our progress using this ratio—we will get a good insight in terms of how to give commitments, are we too aggressive or too conservative while giving commitments and how can we change the same, how do we give commitments on individual behalf as well as on the behalf of the team.

Adherence to commitment forms the basic building block of the excellence. The other things that decides the level is, have we used best possible efforts from our side while adhering to the commitment and  have we been able to give the best possible results with the best possible efforts. Then comes the aspect of are we improving on continuous basis; have we given better commitments then previous and have we given better results than last time. For measuring our performance on personal as well as professional front, Say-Do ratio is extremely useful tool and one can experiment and share the same with all.