Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Proactive Re-invention for Excellence

When a person / organization starts moving up the excellence ladder and starts climbing the steps one by one, one can see that at every step, they have undergone some change, adopted something new, or done something differently, mastered some new tools & techniques, etc. which has enabled them to move up the ladder.

I think, we should turn this information upside down. We should start creating these changes ourselves proactively and then move to the next step of ladder as per our wish. This looks simple to read but has significant challenges as to how do we know that we have to change, how do we know what to change, where to change, how much to change etc.; because, the change can easily backfire and take us down the ladder. So can we do it and be sure that we are on the right track?

We need to re-invent ourselves (same applies to organizations also) periodically through formal efforts. The key here is “REINVENTION” and “PERIODICITY”. The idea is to reinvent ourselves at regular intervals. I am stressing here the word re-invent, because it is much different than reviewing ourselves at regular intervals, which many of us do it without any significant impact. According to Cambridge dictionary, REINVENT means “to change something in basic way so that it works differently”.  Here the stress is on change in basic way and this is what typically does not happen when we are reviewing and modifying in our regular review cycles. Now the question comes that can a person / organization change their basic way of working on regular basis and can it be at will or it is typically a eureka moment for some one some time, and we do not know when it will come? How frequently they can change this? will it not create a chaos in one’s life or operations of the organization?

I think we can do it we just need to be a little courageous. Let us take a situation where in you have completed an engagement and you are yet to get in to the next one; this is the right time to reinvent oneself. How do we do it? Can any one do it oneself? I think we know the process it is same as we do when we review ourselves i.e. look at what has gone right; what could have been done better; what are lessons learnt and what changes that needs to be done going forward. This is simple and well known process isn’t it? The only thing we need to do is try and question our basic assumptions about ourselves. Our whole logic, analysis, defense, actions are based on specific assumptions about ourselves. These are typically formed from mixing our perceptions and our wishes about ourselves. These may not be perfect. So question them courageously with an open mind that we can change these assumptions in positive manner. Once you figure out what change we need to do with these assumptions, we have reinvented ourselves, till that time we just keep on circling around the same thing getting same results and staying at the same level of excellence. This is easier said than done, but doable. So we need to try it out a few times before we start understanding how do we make and handle self criticism, destabilizing one’s ego, question our basic beliefs about ourselves, etc. Due to lack of these abilities, most of the times our response to such a review brings out thoughts and actions to change things external to us; we are afraid that if we admit that the shortcomings lie with us, the impact of the same would affect us adversely and thus in order to protect ourselves, we start reacting in a specific manner; but when one does self assessment with oneself, there is no one to notice, no one to know the shortcomings if you find one, and no one to punish. If you change your basic assumption as a result of this assessment, the external world only will see the positive results and definitely applaud for the improvement. This is the beauty of PROACTIVE REINVENTION, which when you do it with yourself, on your own, before any one finds the need for it and do the change before anyone feels the need. Once you internalize this process, you can continuously climb up the steps of Excellence ladder at your pace rather than any external factors pushing you to do it.   

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